
What is the best way to treat trigger points and myofascialpain syndromes

There are different treatment modalities to address myofascialand trigger pointpain. Trigger points are areas of muscles that have become injured and are radiating pain to other places. The pain can radiatean inch or several feet. The intensity and radiation of pain depends on the trigger point.

You may have felt trigger points in the past. Maybe an are of muscle that feels knotted up and is tender to the touch. When putting pressure on the knot youfeel the pain travel. There are several common trigger points in the neck and upper back, especially around the scapula. Many times people can reproduce their early headache pain by pushing on a trigger point.

Video: Hip Muscle Injury and Trigger Points

We are commonly looking for better ways to treat and address trigger point pain. The study looked to review the literature and identify the best treatment options for fascialpain. Ultrasound therapy was once believed to be the gold standard. Now there is less supporting research for it as a treatment option. Laser therapy, manual therapy, massage therapy, and deep muscle techniques appear to be useful for treatment of myofascialtrigger point pain.

As people continue to suffer with chronic pain there will be more and more research regarding this topic. The best treatment for chronic pain continuesto be patient specific, and more information will help us provide better treatment.

For more information on trigger point therapy by Massage Therapy or with Graston Technique.

The research abstract is provided at the bottom of this article.

Journal ofManipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

Volume 32, Issue 1 , Pages 14-24, January 2009

Chiropractic Management of MyofascialTrigger Points and MyofascialPain Syndrome: ASystematic Review of the Literature Howard Vernon, DC, PhD , Michael Schneider, DC



Myofascialpain syndrome (MPS) and myofascialtrigger points (MTrPs) are important aspects of musculoskeletal medicine, including chiropractic. The purpose of this study was to review the most commonly used treatment procedures in chiropractic for MPS and MTrPs.


The Scientific Commission of the Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP) was charged with developing literature syntheses, organizedby anatomical region, to evaluate and report on the evidence base for chiropractic care. This article is the outcome of this charge. As part of the CCGPP process, preliminary drafts of these articles were posted on the CCGPP Web site (2006-8) to allow for an open process and the broadest possible mechanism for stakeholder input. PubMed, ExcerptaMedicaDatabase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and databases for systematic reviews and clinical guidelines were searched. Separate searches were conducted for (1) manual palpation and algometry, (2) chiropractic and other manual therapies, and (3) other conservative and complementary/alternative therapies. Studies were screened for relevance and rated using the Oxford Scaleand Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network rating system.


A total of 112 articles were identified.Review of these articles resulted in the following recommendations regarding treatment: Moderately strong evidence supports manipulation and ischemic pressure for immediate pain relief at MTrPs, but only limited evidence exists for long-term pain relief at MTrPs. Evidence supports laser therapy (strong), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupuncture, and magnet therapy (all moderate) for MTrPsand MPS, although the duration of relief varies among therapies. Limited evidence supports electrical muscle stimulation, high-voltage galvanic stimulation, interferential current, and frequency modulated neural stimulation in the treatment of MTrPsand MPS. Evidence is weak for ultrasound therapy.


Manual-type therapies and some physiologic therapeutic modalities have acceptable evidentiary support in the treatment of MPS and TrPs.

© 2009 NationalUniversity of Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. PubMed