Acupuncture Treatments for Hip Pain in Chandler
Hip pain can be caused by several conditions. The exact location of your hip pain can provide clues about the underlying cause. If things like rest and over-the-counter pain relievers fail to provide relief, consider acupuncture treatments for hip pain.
Depending on the issue that is causing your hip pain, you may experience discomfort in your: thigh, groin, inside or outside of the hip joint, and buttocks. Sometimes pain can radiate to your hip from other areas of the body.
Generally, hip pain gets worse with activity, especially if it's caused by conditions like arthritis. There are several conditions that commonly cause hip pain:
Your hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint formed where the thigh bone meets the pelvis. The thigh bone has a ball-shaped knob on the end that fits into a socket formed in the hip bone.
Articular cartilage covers the femoral head and the acetabulum which helps the bones move against each other without pain. Large ligaments, muscles, and tendons surround the hip joint and hold the bones in place, keeping it from dislocating.
If your hip pain persists with little improvement, you might consider visiting your physician. They can diagnose hip pain in a number of ways, including a physical examination, imaging tests, and lab tests.
During a physical examination, your physician will talk about your medical history and perform a full body exam. They will be looking for areas that are tender, painful, or swollen. Depending on the findings of the exam, your physician may order a lab test or imaging test (x-ray, MRI, CAT Scan, etc.) to help make or confirm a diagnosis.
If your hip pain is minor, you may not need to see a physician. Try these self-care tips:
If you have arthritis, low-impact exercises, stretching, and resistance training can reduce hip pain and improve joint mobility. Swimming, for example, is a great non-impact exercise for arthritis.
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If nothing you have tried to relieve hip pain has worked, consider acupuncture. An alternative treatment, acupuncture can be used to treat chronic pain, including joint pain. The goal of acupuncture is to correct imbalances of energy, or "qi," in the body.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy in which thin, tiny needles are inserted into particular points in the skin. The needles will stay in place for several minutes to an hour. Your physician may warm, adjust, or electrically energize them to intensify the effect.
An acupuncture treatment typically involves three steps:
Other treatments such as Chiropractic care can be combined with acupuncture to align the spine, help relieve pressure and pain in aching hips. Graston Technique is another treatment option used to treat soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation as it breaks up scar tissue.
Low level laser or class IV cold laser can also help reduce hip pain and inflammation on the tendons and bursa. Cold lasers help acute and chronic hip pain symptoms; especially when combined with a combination of physical therapy, Graston Technique, and acupuncture treatments.
Chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture can be used alone or combined to enhance many types of treatments and injuries. Many people with chronic pain find significant relief when combining these treatments.
Alpha Chiropractic and Physical Therapy provides treatment for many patients in Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Tempe, Phoenix, and Maricopa. Most patients have never seen a clinic that combines treatments from different providers into improving your pain.
Therapy and treatments for many types of conditions can be improved with a combination of acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy. Learn more about our unique Chandler Chiropractic Clinic.
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