
Tennis Elbow (or Lateral Epicondylitis)

What is tennis elbow (or lateral epicondylitis)?
Pain on the outside of the elbow and running down the forearm can be the result of Tennis Elbow. The arm may fatigue easily or feel weak when using your hands. Lateral Epicondylitis is an overuse injury affecting the tendons on the outside of the elbow. Extending the wrist, holding onto items or turning the wrist can cause increased pain, and even simple movements such as shaking hands or opening a jar can become very painful.

What are the risk factors for lateral epicondylitis?
Repeating simple activities over and over can lead to this overuse injury. As the muscles and tendons are injured small tears develop, then more of the tendon can become injured which results in increased pain. Any use of the hands can lead to Tennis Elbow, such as using a screwdriver, holding something, pulling, reaching or cutting.

How can I treat tennis elbow at home?
Initial home treatments for Tennis Elbow include rest, ice and over the counter anti-inflammatory medications. It is common to have periods of improvement followed by further aggravation. Pain is reduced by the rest and ice, but if the aggravating activity is resumed before the elbow is completely healed, the injury will reoccur. Additional treatment may be required, especially if the activity that is aggravating the elbow cannot be reduced, such as computer work required for a job.

What does in office treatment of lateral epicondylitis involve?
Physiotherapy, massage therapy, stretching and prescribed exercises are important parts of advanced treatment focusing on reducing muscle spasms and decreasing the inflammation of Lateral Epicondylitis. Your medical provider should actively work on the muscles and tendons in treatment. Muscle therapy or manual treatments such as the Graston Technique or Active Release Technique are effective ways of speeding healing.

Further treatment, including corticosteroid injection therapy or surgery, may be recommended by your healthcare provider in some cases.

How can I further prevent tennis elbow?
Preventing Tennis Elbow can be as simple as modifying or reducing the activities that aggravate the elbow, whether they are work, home or recreational activities. Your healthcare provider can review proper techniques and movements with you. Slowly building strength in the elbow will help prevent recurrences of Tennis Elbow.

Successful treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) will allow you to return your normal activities without pain. Call Alpha Chiropractic today at (480) 812-1800 to begin treatment for Tennis Elbow. For further information on the treatments mentioned, click on services provided link Services or Graston Technique .

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